Wednesday, May 25, 2016


In my previous blog I talked about the new changes in my life. As Tupac Shakur stated, “The only thing that stays the same is change.” I’ve started my new job and it is scary as heck because there is no room for failure. It’s definitely intimidating and I know I will have to put a lot of my effort into it.  My best friend got married mid-May and two weeks before her wedding I had decided that after her wedding I would not drink for ~4 months or 17 weeks. I mainly decided this because I would like to lose weight and alcohol has a lot of calories. I still will go out and do my normal social outings but without alcohol. Also, I decided that I would eat healthier, not 100% of the time, but mostly during the weekdays.

When I was in LA for the first week of my new job, I was stuck in traffic listening to the radio, and Fantasia was on air. She talked about for 6 months she refrained from drinking, smoking, and people who bring her bad energy (haters, bad friendships, bad relationships, etc…). She said she wanted to focus on herself and her new upcoming album. She was not interested in dating; particularly in dating men that she normally dated or she knew it would not go anywhere. She gave herself a “detox” per se. She even symbolically married herself and bought herself a ring! She said within that time she gained a lot of clarity about all aspects of her life. And while she was going through this stage in her life she found her husband, which was unexpected for her.

I heard this when I was at the start of my 17-week journey. Hearing her talk resonated with my “detox” phase. I’m still at the beginning of it but it feels good so far to know that I’m concentrating on my health, letting go of bad relationships that make me feel confused or bad about myself, and concentrating on my career. Also, I have been talking to the Creator a lot more, some may call it praying, but I call it relationship building. Through this I also hope to address my personal insecurities, whether it is my physical (I feel fat, etc…), emotional, mental, or spiritual ones. I hope to dig out my confusions, guilts, pains, and insecurities and face them and let them go. At the end of the 17 weeks, I want to come out losing some pounds and having more strength and clarity within my life. I am looking forward to getting to know me in a better and more evolving way. Cheers!