Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My dating life is AWESOME!!

I chose to date myself for a while. I chose to put men aside per se these past few weeks. Of course I would remain open if there was a male I found I was attracted to and keep my mind open to any future dating opportunities. But over the past few weeks my mindset has been focused on ME. I told myself I am going to enjoy my Vegas summer! I want to get myself physically back in shape for ME (no one else) to make ME happy and make ME feel better about myself. I want to become healthier by eating better to enhance my health and physical fitness. I want to fit back into some clothes that don’t fit me anymore lol. I want to spoil myself and get me massages, nails done, hair done, and facials. I want to finish my dissertation this summer and become Dr. Lee officially. I want to do well in my jobs, which I love. I want to continue my volunteer work by helping our Native communities. I want to hang out with my girls and go to happy hours, movies, dinners, pools, clubs, and just have plain FUN! I want to meet new people. I want to dance my summer nights away on weekends. I want to see my family and hug them and laugh with them. And so far I’ve been doing what I desired.

 This past Saturday evening I took myself out to the movies  alone! I came home from work, put on a summer dress and felt cute. I had a date with myself. I couldn’t have been happier that evening and I enjoyed my own personal company. I didn’t feel awkward, lonely, or anything negative that I was at the movies alone on a Saturday night. In fact, I felt lucky, joy, content, and that I’ve made progress from any negative situations I incurred with any of my past relationships because I have matured from those experiences and MOVED ON! I’m moving happily forward with my life and I’m doing it ALONE. I’m sure I’ll find myself in another relationship at some point, but I’m not really looking, but when I do, I will be in a better relationship with myself because I will be healthier physically-emotionally-mentally-socially-spiritually. By improving my relationship with myself on these elements, I will have automatically improved my relationship with my future partner. Much love my friends…I hope you’re as happy as I’ve been feeling, cheers!! P.S. I recently started to have a crush who has put an extra smile on my face tho ;)