Do you ever really get used to dealing with heartbreak? I mean think back to your first real gut-wrenching heartbreak and now to your most recent ones, any difference? I think about that from time to time. Although it hurts (maybe the same, maybe less, maybe more), as we get older are we better capable to deal with heartbreak? It’s the worst feeling in the world because your heart/chest area actually hurts and your energy (mind, body, soul is so consumed with it that you are incapable of doing anything else. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it except endure the pain and with time it slowly diminishes. However, it does make you re-examine your individual self from your soul to your physical being. I guess that is one of the positive outcomes. Because I remembered when I was heartbroken I tried to concentrate on my blessings instead of my situation.
For example I thought, “Everyone goes through heartbreak and everyone gets through it. There are people out there who are in way worst situations than I am and mine is ONLY heartbreak. There are people out there who have no roof over their head, some are mentally/physically disabled, some have chronic diseases and look at me, here I am feeling sorry for myself when it’s only heartbreak. I am healthy, have great family/friends, I’m attractive, educated, and lucky to have car/roof over my head. I should be the last person to be feeling as sad as I am, when in retrospect I have a lot to be thankful for.”