Friday, May 29, 2015


It’s no secret that I date. I went on a date with an established guy this past week. He treated me like a lady. He pulled out my chair, ordered for me; you know….the chivalry was in full force. I told him upfront what I want and don’t want and he respected my boundaries and my intentions. He told me that there are women out there that you don’t respect because they don’t carry themselves in a certain way and there are women out there that you do because they carry themselves in a respectful way. He told me that there are just some women you treat better than others and you’re one of them. It made me think of how people, in general, pick up on our attitudes towards ourselves and others, and make judgments…positive or negative. Then my mind went on a tangent: What do people judge about me and my FB statuses? What do people judge about me when I talk? The way I dress? Etc…

 The fact of the matter is, you’re always going to be judged and treated as such. There are always going to be people who are not going to like you, who are envious, who are jealous, and judge you as such. Then, there’s the other end where people are rooting for you, supporting you, and on your team. As you can read, even this blog, went off on a tangent.

 Back to my date. When dating, women we have so much power. We can choose to demand respect, and from that point to stay or leave. But my other point is men can easily pick-up on traits based on our actions/words. If you want to be respected by your date/boyfriend/partner then you have to expect it, demand it, and set boundaries. IF your date/boyfriend/partner does not want to give it, then it’s your choice to stay or leave.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Anchors of love

Ok, I am in a stagnant stage. Ladies, have you ever been caught between the past, present, and the future? Like you know where you have been with dating, you know where you stand now, and you know where you want to go but it just doesn't exactly work out in that context? It's like you're trying to run forward full force but you have an anchor holding you but it could stem from emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual baggage just grabbing you with a fishing pole rod but you don't know it until you try to push yourself forward but for some reason you can't? Your weight from your past keeps pulling you back until you go back there....or you make progress but regardless just pulls you back when you want to be more progressive than your feelings/heart. Yup...we're just human. We try and we will continue to try until we get there. Example, I went on a date with an attractive, educated, sweet man but I couldn't let myself go "there" because I KNOW I still have feelings for a person who could probably careless about me...sort of speak....but yet I feel dumb and stupid and naive..and weak...and used...and tired...and guilty...and confused..and real. Until then...I'm not sure. All I know is I should move on and I want to but it gets hard. From my experience, there is no magic's simply time. It's minute by minute....hour by by day...week by week..month by month...year by's love..then it's not love anymore. Let's get over it. Let's move on.  We can. It's a part of this life girls. Cheers!